God’s In His Heaven

  Not So Tough.  Sometimes I try too hard. It’s true. Sometimes I sit and I think, and I pray, and I seek, and I beg for some gorgeous glimpse to overcome me, fill me to overflowing so I can share it with you. What a bunch of hooey. What I am hearing, short, simple, and true, […]

Poverty, Dignity, and Peanut Butter Sandwiches

  Last weekend, an earnest, freckled Cub Scout approached me outside our grocery store and asked me to help with his food drive.  He gave me a list of especially-needed food items for the food pantry at South County Outreach and invited me to fill up the special red plastic bag that marked “food drive food.” […]

Bug-Collecting and a Mother’s Heart: Lessons in Compassion

What Hearts Remember I read this amazing story the other day, I say to my mother-in-law. She and I sit in Denny’s, lingering over the last bites of our pecan-banana pancakes. Really?  Yeah. It was a blog post. Your kids caught bugs when they were small, didn’t they? And they brought them home in jars? She nods, […]

When Kids Fall Short

Little (Grand)Children, Little Problems: Daphne and Me. October, 2012. That Father’s-Eye ViewI was commiserating with friends the other day. These brave friends live with teenagers at home. These friends are weary, and spent, and concerned about what’s next. Because what’s already been is beyond the pale. They didn’t expect persistent disobedience. Anger they can handle; disinterest is […]

Come as You Are!

Just as You Are. Right Now. Even if Your Sweater is Crooked.  Humbled, not DiscouragedA passage in my Bible struck me as I read it a few days ago. I’ve read this passage before, but on this occasion it leaped off the page. “Don’t wait until you’re ready,” I heard.  I’m sharing the passage here […]