Horror and Outrage

Cadence, Sawyer, Elaine: Group Hug

Beyond Imagination
We mourn together for lives cut short in an ugly blast of gunfire. One moment, twenty beautiful young students and the adults entrusted with their education were studying the chalkboard, perhaps, or bent over worksheets. 
And then suddenly, we were all robbed of their lives. A nation grieves as one. 
Is it because they died suddenly? Is that the source of our shock? 

I ask because we aren’t shocked by the carnage that surrounds us all the time. 
Every day, about 21,000 children die. But they die slowly, from hunger. From dysentery. From malaria. For the most part, they live far, far away. They have names we can’t pronounce.
Their lives are as precious, and they’re just as dead, as the lives we mourn this week. 

If you could have turned away the madman in Connecticut, you would have. I know. Me too.

You can turn away the madness of starvation, of dysentery, of malaria. You can spare a community the grief we’re all breathing now. 

I’m pleading now. Compassion International aims to raise $20,000 to rescue children from poverty this Christmas. They’ve asked 2,000 of us bloggers to help them. That means I need you to raise $100 to save children’s lives. 
Could ten of you give $10?
Could five of you give $20? 
Could one of you, wonder of wonders, give $100 to save children’s lives? 
My gift to you: the opportunity to be a hero

You’re welcome. Merry Christmas. 

3 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
    maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
4 Rescue the weak and needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 82:3-4 (NIV)