Weekend Reflection: Rise Up and Call Her Blessed

> My Maternal Grandmother, Me, My Daughter, My Mother. May, 1982. 25 Strength and dignity are her clothing,    and she laughs at the time to come.26 She opens her mouth with wisdom,    and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.27 She looks well to the ways of her household    and does […]

sometimes you just gotta

Sometimes you just gotta throw things into the wash and see what happens.  Like my slightly gunky insulated lunch bag thingamabob that I use to take food to the office each day. One Friday afternoon I pulled it out to take it home and thought to myself, “yucko.” Crust had formed. Stains had merged into […]

spirit body drugs

This physical experience we spiritual beings are having is like a drug: It can be used for life-saving, even heroic purposes, or it can be abused in the pursuit of pleasure. — Best regards, Sheila sheilalagrand.com

market share and poverty

looking at world stock market cap: 2000:  US 48.8 Europe 30.5 Asia/Pacific 15.9 Americas x US 4.0 Africa/Mideast 0.8 2012 US 33.5 Europe 23.1 Asia/Pacific 32.3 Americas X US 8.2 Africa/Mideast 2.9 — Best regards, Sheila sheilalagrand.com

Petty unselfishness

nothing too hard