Weekend Reflection: Read

 My friend Laura wrote a beautiful book. Read, reflect–then go outside and play.   Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it. Luke 18:17 (ESV) Shhh. It’s the weekend. Remove your shoes and step into the stillness. Stop by Sandra Heska King’s place for Still […]

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Looming Memories

At a Baby Shower. April 18, 1982. Left to Right: My mother, Marilyn Lee Downs Seiler. August 20, 1936 – September 30, 2008 Me, eight months pregnant with my daughter. My cousin, Marcia Ann Isbell. September 14, 1967 – May 8, 2000 My aunt and Marcia’s mother, Marlene Ann Downs Isbell. August 3, 1938 – […]

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The Work of Our Hands

  Something Different.  Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,     and establish the work of our hands upon us;     yes, establish the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17 (ESV) Shhh. It’s the weekend. Remove your shoes and step into the stillness. Stop by Sandra Heska King’s place for Still Saturday.  Then stop by […]

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Four-Score and 0 Years Ago (Birthday Wishes for Dad)

Korea. Ca. 1954 Celebrating my Father on His Eightieth Birthday   “Your mom did a good job raising you and your brother and sister,” my dad said to me one day as we sat, just the two of us, talking. My eyes widened. “Dad,” I said, “You did a good job, too!” “It was your mom. […]

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Q and A With Amazing Author Michelle DeRusha

  Meet My Friend Michelle [Note from Sheila: Everyone should have at least one friend like Michelle. She’s kind and smart and witty and talented and humble and her heart is drop-dead gorgeous. (I think the rest of her is, too, but I digress.) She is also about to become an overnight sensation after writing for, oh, […]

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