Spotting Him Everywhere
Imagine you’re off to a business seminar. You’re looking forward to the event, as your favorite colleague, a former coworker, is attending and you’re eager to see your friend.
You arrive at the meeting location and discover that hundreds of people are attending. You scan the room and roam through it, looking, but you can’t find your friend. Maybe she couldn’t get away after all.
And now the meeting begins. Disappointed, you take a seat.
At the break you return to your car to retrieve a folder. Passing through the parking lot, you notice your friend’s car.
Immediately your spirits lighten. When you return to the seminar, you resume your search with a confident heart.
Because now, you know she’s in there–it’s just a matter of finding her.
It’s exactly like that with God. He’s always there, but sometimes we fail to notice Him.
Sometimes we compare our search for God’s presence in our lives to opening oysters: maybe there’s a pearl inside, maybe not. I invite you, today, to adopt a new analogy. Seeking Him in our lives is like reading Where’s Waldo? He’s on every single page. Sometimes we have to look a little harder to see Him.
Came over from HighCallingBlogs. You made me smile there, so I wanted to see where you hang out.
Nice to meet you! 🙂
Thanks, you two! 🙂