Purified like Gold

Character and Commitment
Every relationship has its troubles, and ours is no exception. Before we became engaged, Rich and I went through a short season of great upheaval and turmoil.
During that time, we said “goodbye, forever” to each other at least four times. These partings never arose from anger; rather, they were born of confusion.
They also didn’t endure.
Each time, we found ourselves together again. Each time, we’d dissect the separation. Those reflections led us to value each other, and our relationship, both with each other and with God, more deeply.
If I had a time machine, I would not choose to relive those separations. They hurt.
I also would not choose for us to lack the character and understanding we developed during those hard, hard interludes in our life together.
Our marriage is better.
Our love is stronger.
We embrace our dependence on God more authentically.
God, in His perfect way and timing, knew just what we needed. And He provided it. It wasn’t comfortable, but it sure grew our character.

9 I will bring that group through the fire
and make them pure.
I will refine them like silver
and purify them like gold.
They will call on My name,
and I will answer them.
I will say, ‘These are My people,’
and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’” Zechariah 13:9 (NLT)