I did the right thing: I showed grace to the hurried and harried driver. But I didn’t feel the right thing. I could have been thinking, “That poor guy must have had a really tough day to be so impatient to get home.” Or I could have thought, “Wow! He must have some urgent deadline to make!”
Instead, I thought, “What a jerk.”
Then I reflected: If I do the right thing, but bear a grudge in my heart, did I really do right? It makes me grateful that our Father knows our nature and extends salvation through His Son by grace alone–an undeserved gift.
Because if I had to rely on my works for my salvation, I’d be toast.
18 And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. 19 I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.
Romans 7:18-19 (NLT)
Here is my story. I nearly got run over by a car right after I arrived in Moscow. It happened at the airport when I was walking to a parking lot. I was crossing at a crosswalk, but he didn't even slow down when he approached it. Did I think "poor guy, he is in a hurry to meet someone"? no. Instead I shouted at him "Are you nuts?" Hmmm, how christian is that?
Anyway…Here is what you've got to know before you come to Russia: when crossig a road, make sure there are not cars approaching from any side, because drivers don't yield to pedestrians.
We'll rememeber, Nadya!