Did you Hear That?

Dad, at His Granddaughter’s Wedding. May, 2010
What’s that Noise?
A few weeks ago my husband Rich and I met my father for dinner on a Sunday evening. I had told him, a few weeks earlier, that I had some “small happy news” to share with him.
We settled into our booth at Las Palmas and munched on tortilla chips and salsa. Dad, polite man that he is, waited for me to bring up my news.
After we’d chatted for a few moments, I slid one of these across the table to him.
Business Card
Dad turned the card over and examined it. “What’s this all about?” he asked me.
I said, “Well, I finally am working more on my writing, and I just finished my first editing job for a paying client. I used some of the money to order these.”

“How much did he pay you?”

Such a dad.
Later, when Rich excused himself from the table, Dad picked the card up again. “Your mother and I always wondered when you’d get around to doing something with your writing.”

I smiled at my father’s gift for bringing my mother’s memory into this conversation, into every important conversation. Tears welled, unexpectedly, as I remembered all the times, in my youth, when I’d discussed a career possibility. Dad had always asked, quietly, “But what about your writing?”

I’d looked forward to sharing this news with my dad for a long, long time.
I’m not sure how many times God called me to wield my pen for Him. But finally, I’ve heard Him. It’s been two years now. I haven’t changed the world, but walking in obedience, finally, feels good.
7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, nor had the word of the LORD yet been revealed to him.
8 So the LORD called Samuel again for the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” Then Eli discerned that the LORD was calling the boy.
9 And Eli said to Samuel, “Go lie down, and it shall be if He calls you, that you shall say, ‘Speak, LORD, for Your servant is listening.'” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
10 Then the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for Your servant is listening.”
1 Samuel 3:7-10 (NASB)

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