Weekend Reflection: An Exaltation of Grandbabies.

We’ve been blessed, this week, with daughter and her three visiting from a faraway island AND the debut of a much-awaited new granddaughter. Glorious.

I want to call them all Desirée.

Contented Papa Rich and Miss Daphne Kate.
Cadence James and His Lala.
Miss Daphne Kate With Lala
Sawyer Anton (my “Soy-Soy”) With Lala
Cadence James Bigbrothering on his Daphne Kate. 
Mama Supervising as Daphne Kate and Doc become Reacquainted. 
Daphne Kate, Charming Me. 
Lala with a Happy Lap Full: Daphne Kate and Sawyer Anton. 
Most Joyous of All: Mama Rachael with Brand New Miss Casey Renee. Grandgift Number 9. August 5, 2013. 

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

It’s the weekend. Around here we remove our shoes and tour the stillness. Start with Sandra Heska King’s Still Saturday. Then drop by Deidra Riggs’ Sunday CommunityYou’ll join us, yes? We’ve saved you a place.


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