Jesus in a Mixing Bowl

Elaine and Sawyer Play with Doc. Cadence Plays with Army Men. December, 2011. More than I can Imagine My daughter Elaine was four the first year we baked cinnamon rolls together for breakfast on Christmas. This year, she’s twenty-nine. Saturday night, for the twenty-fifth time, we’ll knead the dough and sprinkle the cinnamon, making pinwheels […]

My Soul’s Dirty Underwear

Today’s post is in honor of my friend Nancy Owens Franson, who turns fifty tomorrow, and is looking forward to becoming officially eccentric. Dirty Sky. Mojave Desert. February, 2007. Mom’s Notorious Advice Apparently, somewhere along the way, someone’s mother counseled: Always wear clean underwear. Because you never know when you might be in an accident […]

>My Soul’s Dirty Underwear

>Today’s post is in honor of my friend Nancy Owens Franson, who turns fifty tomorrow, and is looking forward to becoming officially eccentric. Dirty Sky. Mojave Desert. February, 2007. Mom’s Notorious Advice Apparently, somewhere along the way, someone’s mother counseled: Always wear clean underwear. Because you never know when you might be in an accident […]

My Soul’s Dirty Underwear

Today’s post is in honor of my friend Nancy Owens Franson, who turns fifty tomorrow, and is looking forward to becoming officially eccentric. Dirty Sky. Mojave Desert. February, 2007. Mom’s Notorious Advice Apparently, somewhere along the way, someone’s mother counseled: Always wear clean underwear. Because you never know when you might be in an accident […]

My Soul’s Dirty Underwear

Today’s post is in honor of my friend Nancy Owens Franson, who turns fifty tomorrow, and is looking forward to becoming officially eccentric. Dirty Sky. Mojave Desert. February, 2007. Mom’s Notorious Advice Apparently, somewhere along the way, someone’s mother counseled: Always wear clean underwear. Because you never know when you might be in an accident […]