Vital Signs

Spiritual Care The Heart’s Job Sunday evening I found myself in the emergency room of our local hospital. Rich took me there for assessment of hives that made my skin burn, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing. I prepared for a long night, as the waiting room was full. Apparently chest pain is a free pass […]

Vital Signs

Spiritual Care The Heart’s Job Sunday evening I found myself in the emergency room of our local hospital. Rich took me there for assessment of hives that made my skin burn, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing. I prepared for a long night, as the waiting room was full. Apparently chest pain is a free pass […]

The Artichoke Bonus, Part One

But Wait, There’s More!Artichokes are a favorite in my family. Lore has it that when my sister and I were small girls, my mother prepared a whole one for each of us, rather than giving us each a half.  She knew we would be full before getting close to the meaty heart, the prize of the […]

A Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow, Part Two

A Time to Grieve and a Time to DanceEarlier I posted about my mother’s hospitalization. I shared how God led me down a path, different from my usual course, in response to her illness. During her illness I frequently felt His hand upon me. One day He gave me a beautiful glimpse of the eternal […]