When God Designs the Seating Chart

Mariner’s Church, Irvine, California. April, 2011. Table for Eight Friday night I watched God arrange a dinner party. As one might expect of the perfect Host, the company was excellent–and everyone at the table had something to offer to or learn from another guest. Rich and I arrived at the Orange County Christian Writers Fellowship‘s […]

Did you Hear That?

Dad, at His Granddaughter’s Wedding. May, 2010 What’s that Noise? A few weeks ago my husband Rich and I met my father for dinner on a Sunday evening. I had told him, a few weeks earlier, that I had some “small happy news” to share with him. We settled into our booth at Las Palmas and […]

Did you Hear That?

Dad, at His Granddaughter’s Wedding. May, 2010 What’s that Noise? A few weeks ago my husband Rich and I met my father for dinner on a Sunday evening. I had told him, a few weeks earlier, that I had some “small happy news” to share with him. We settled into our booth at Las Palmas and […]

>Did you Hear That?

> Dad, at His Granddaughter’s Wedding. May, 2010 What’s that Noise? A few weeks ago my husband Rich and I met my father for dinner on a Sunday evening. I had told him, a few weeks earlier, that I had some “small happy news” to share with him. We settled into our booth at Las Palmas […]

Did you Hear That?

Dad, at His Granddaughter’s Wedding. May, 2010 What’s that Noise? A few weeks ago my husband Rich and I met my father for dinner on a Sunday evening. I had told him, a few weeks earlier, that I had some “small happy news” to share with him. We settled into our booth at Las Palmas and […]