Sunday I Fell in Love

Lunch with the Women’s Fellowship. Photo by Gracious Server at the Rose Canyon Cantina.  June, 2012.  It Came From NowhereYou know how you always remember the moment you fell in love? Here’s mine: I was standing in church last Sunday, between my husband, Rich, and our dear friend Mike. We’re singing Therefore the Redeemed of the […]

thinking on the end

Are we playing God? Is that why I want to ask the neighbor, ask the vet, watch the DOG 24 hours a day? Oh, no wisdom “If I were a dog, some compassionate person would have put me down by now…”  — Best regards, Sheila

senior menu

Driver’s license, turning 18, turning 21….now I’m waiting to order from the senior menu.  — Best regards, Sheila

gold coast and ivory coast: same place! Who knew?   — Best regards, Sheila

Pawn Stars and Father’s Day

This is what the father who lives here wanted to watch. The whole show is all about figuring out what things are worth. Sometimes they consult experts.  What is valuable to you?  — Best regards, Sheila