It’s quiet. Somber. And the flowers…leis hanging. In the Mighty Mo restroom, flowers, a local arrangement next to the canned mums in baskets. We are in the tropics. Yes. — Best regards, Sheila
author. editor.
It’s quiet. Somber. And the flowers…leis hanging. In the Mighty Mo restroom, flowers, a local arrangement next to the canned mums in baskets. We are in the tropics. Yes. — Best regards, Sheila
Is it a great post? A book? A big crowd at your birthday party? or…..???? how you served God?— Best regards, Sheila
because that’s how we roll. — Best regards, Sheila
The Messy Pistils Drew My Attention to the Bumps on the Lily Petals. Muddling Through FlowersI’m never going to enter the Sylvia Cup Design Competition. But I do enjoy arranging an armload of pretty flowers. So when our neighbor celebrated her birthday, and the florist didn’t have a made-up bouquet that caught my eye, I happily […]
Oh, I count on Jesus, Lala. I do! And eating the cracker too soon (because I didn’t tell him) and his wonder at the solemnity and how he recognized it the next day when I read him teh Bible story….such joy. — Best regards, Sheila
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