
It’s quiet. Somber. And the flowers…leis hanging. In the Mighty Mo restroom, flowers, a local arrangement next to the canned mums in baskets. We are in the tropics. Yes.  — Best regards, Sheila

what’s your Academy Award?

Is it a great post? A book? A big crowd at your birthday party? or…..???? how you served God?— Best regards, Sheila

networks and …. pies

because that’s how we roll.  — Best regards, Sheila

One Slow Bouquet

The Messy Pistils Drew My Attention to the Bumps on the Lily Petals.  Muddling Through FlowersI’m never going to enter the Sylvia Cup Design Competition. But I do enjoy arranging an armload of pretty flowers. So when our neighbor celebrated her birthday, and the florist didn’t have a made-up bouquet that caught my eye, I happily […]

Cadence’s first communion

Oh, I count on Jesus, Lala. I do! And eating the cracker too soon (because I didn’t tell him) and his wonder at the solemnity and how he recognized it the next day when I read him teh Bible story….such joy.  — Best regards, Sheila