Treasures and Crud

It’s a Mess. My Sock Drawer and my Heart Hurrying to race out the door to work, I rummaged in my sock drawer for a matching pair of black socks. Glancing at the clock, I promised myself—again—that I would dump the drawer, sort through it, toss away the widows and straighten up the surviving pairs. […]

Treasures and Crud

It’s a Mess. My Sock Drawer and my Heart Hurrying to race out the door to work, I rummaged in my sock drawer for a matching pair of black socks. Glancing at the clock, I promised myself—again—that I would dump the drawer, sort through it, toss away the widows and straighten up the surviving pairs. […]

polite wrong numbers!

Wow! is it the holiday season? — Best regards, Sheila

wasting water

is it a waste to steam up the shower so I can breathe? What isn’t  a waste? How can I even think of “waste” when I have so much?? — Best regards, Sheila

comfort for a friend with a dying mother

Oh. I find I don’t have any. I don’t remember one comforting thing anyone said when my mother died. So what was the point of all that pain, all that grief, if i didn’t hang on to something that could help someone else?  — Best regards, Sheila