Grandparenting: Two Speeds

Daphne and Me, Wearing Our Costumes. April, 2015. Rich and I cared for my daughter’s two youngest ones this past weekend. Might I say, without putting too fine a point on it, that menopause was one of God’s very best design features? My respect for parents, and their keeping up with their loveable tilt-a-whirl preschoolers, is rejuvenated. And you grandparents […]

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Can We Resurrect Civility?

Grandson Ayden, Having a Moment. 2007. Here we are in Eastertide, ticking off the Sundays until Pentecost. We’ve just celebrated the Resurrection–the miracle of all miracles, the day that changed everything. So I’m wondering, while we’re feeling all holy and justified and sanctified, could we make a commitment to resurrect civility? Because last time I checked […]

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Grandparenting: On Sharing

Cadence and Daphne, Sleeping after Twenty Hours of Travel My girl and her littles are back in California after four years living in the Pacific. I’m going to say that one more time, because this mama is so happy she can’t hardly stand it: My girl and her littles are back in California after four years living in […]

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Mirror, Mirror . . .

  Last Christmas I requested a new magnifying mirror. Applying mascara was becoming more challenging every day. A mirror with higher magnification would surely make my mornings less stressful.  So I thought. My daughter and son-in-law indulged my wish, and come Christmas morning, I was the proud owner of a mirror with ten power magnification. I set […]

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Grandparenting: Look at it This Way

One little thing can make a big, big change. I’ve been at this conference, and our keynote speaker tells stories about One Little Dream or One Little Prayer, sprinkling one little dab of this with one tiny dash of that layer by layer, step by step, until the hundreds of unremarkable little ingredients are assembled in just the right way to release an aroma that will […]

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