It’s All About the Agenda

  Tomorrow I leave for Mount Hermon.  Mount Hermon is Christian-writer-speak shorthand for the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. It’s a bona fide big deal. It’s a place that makes me sigh into my mug and whisper maybe next year. But last November I entered this contest. And the contest sponsor created a second prize just so I wouldn’t walk off empty-handed. By the […]

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Grandparenting: Father Knows Best–Honest

Sometimes I wish, our friend says, lowering his voice and leaning toward my husband and me as we share breakfast at a local cafe, that my mom would remember that we’re the parents now. I nod, my silence carving out room for him to say more. Soon enough, he does: Our kids really do best on a schedule, and Shelly’s […]

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Weekend Reflection: Everything

16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 19 Quench not the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 (KJV) Shhh. It’s the weekend. Remove your shoes and step into the stillness. Stop by Sandra Heska King’s place for Still Saturday. Then head over to Lisha […]

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The Idol I Found in the Pew

Hymn Board. Built and Photographed by Rich Lagrand. If the hymn list included H3 I knew I was in for it. H3 led us to Holy, Holy, Holy! If we were singing that song, I would cry. I’m not talking dainty little sniffles, either. No. I’m talking big, sloppy, bottom-of-the-diaphragm wailing, complete with a snotty nose and shuddering shoulders. The […]

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I Need to Get This Story Straight . . .

Blurry But Happy: Daughter Elaine (Wearing Tatie Noelline’s Hei), Me (Center Back), and One Branch of Our Tahitian Family. Tapuamu, Tahaa, Leeward Islands of Society Archipelago. January, 2004.  . . . And I need your help!  Maybe you remember that I’m working on a book about extended families. Maybe you remember that I’m focusing on blended extended families. Now, I […]

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