Weekend Reflection: Praying For Hope and Blue Skies

Daughter Elaine, Off the Coast of Raiatea, Society Archipelago, French Polynesia. January 2004. Beseech Him with me: Hope for Vanuatu. Blue Skies for Guam and her neighbors. God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into […]

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Collect Your Own Mugs (Please!)

Gara’s Lovely Mugs Do you ever read those giveaway tabloids that are full of ads? You know the ones I mean. They usually have some enticing special offer from the local oil change shop or storage yard, but most of the ads are classifieds placed by people hoping to unload everything from old suitcases to guinea […]

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Grandparenting: One Size Fits None

Casey Renee, About One Hour Old. August 5, 2013 Impossible . . .  One of my anthropology professors liked to paraphrase Heraclitus. You can’t swim in the same river twice, he would tell us. The older I get, the more I feel the truth of it: stuff changes. On this earth, just about everything is dynamic. When I think of […]

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Weekend Reflection: Work

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,     and establish the work of our hands upon us;     yes, establish the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17 (ESV)   Shhh. It’s the weekend. Remove your shoes and step into the stillness. Stop by Sandra Heska King’s place for Still Saturday. Then head over to […]

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Grandparenting: Please Help Me!

My Great-Grandfather, My Sister, My Mother, Me. 1959. When I was a child, I assumed everybody’s family was just like mine. I still recall the shocking discovery that  a second-grade classmate and her family lived in an apartment. I didn’t get it. Everybody knew that families live in houses, right?  Sometimes I think I know something when I really […]

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