Weekend Reflection: A Good and Faithful Servant

Rich and Tom, Doing Guy Stuff. October, 2010.  Remembering our  beloved friend Tom Guzzetta. November 10, 1944 – July 5, 2014 12 What shall I render to the LordFor all His benefits toward me?13 I shall lift up the cup of salvationAnd call upon the name of the Lord.14 I shall pay my vows to the Lord,Oh may it be in the presence of all His people.15 Precious in the […]

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But Is It Art?

And Why I Doodle (It’s Good For My Noodle) Lately I’ve been insisting: I’m not an artist; I’m a doodler. And I’m not mock-modest-fishing-for-compliments. Honest. I will confess, though, that I have been reflecting on art for a while now. And I’m wondering how we decide if a given creation is art. Does Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart’s famous […]

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Weekend Reflection: Remembered

My Husband’s Firstborn, Sean Michael Lagrand. July 13, 1981 – September 25, 2006 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4 (ESV) Shhh. It’s the weekend. Remove your shoes and step into the stillness. Stopy by Sandra Heska King’s place for Still Saturday.  Then stop by Lisha Epperson’s Give me Grace. Join us? We saved room just for […]

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Maybe We All Need Charm School

My Husband After Falling on His Backside While Tending a Line Aboard Our State’s Official Tall Ship, the Californian. October, 2008. A Plea for Decency I am now an official curmudgeon. I came to this conclusion while driving home from work last Thursday. I was listening to the radio as I made my way home, looking forward […]

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From Sea to Shining Sea

An Extravaganza of Patriotism. July 4, 2011. Dana Point, California.  I love my God. And I love my country. Both.  Happy Independence, Day, America.  And Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at Him. Mark 12:17 (NASB) Ready for some stillness […]

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