All About Love

Love: More Blessed to Give
Whenever I’m fortunate enough to spend time with young children, I am reminded how deeply they value love and relationships. They give love all they’ve got. It’s like they’re born wired to love.

Our younger grandson Cadence came for a visit and sleepover on Friday. We visited the park on Friday afternoon, feasted on Thanksgiving leftovers, and enjoyed a quiet evening with blocks and books.

At dinner Friday evening we were naming all the people who love him. “Your mommy loves you, your daddy loves you, Lala and Papa Rich love you, Aunt Rebecca (whom he currently refers to as “Uncabecca”) loves you….”

Cadence began to name names, but he inverted the process. “I love Cousin Ayden, I love Auntie Rachael, I love Grandma Sue….”

The next morning, he was snuggling in my lap when my husband walked in. “Papa Rich,” he said, “please come here so I can kiss you.” Rich approached and leaned down, and Cadence kissed him. “Thank you, Papa Rich!” he said.

It dawned on me that I would do well to focus on how well I love, rather than on how well I am loved.

7Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7 (NASB)

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