>Seeking Refuge in my Office

>  My Office. Sometimes, My Sanctuary. When Work is Rest One little phone call had ruptured our Saturday afternoon as surely as a needle sinks a bright red balloon, draining its helium like blood from a vein. We’d abandoned our plans and raced eighty miles to San Diego, where my mother-in-law lay in a hospital […]

Seeking Refuge in my Office

 My Office. Sometimes, My Sanctuary. When Work is Rest One little phone call had ruptured our Saturday afternoon as surely as a needle sinks a bright red balloon, draining its helium like blood from a vein. We’d abandoned our plans and raced eighty miles to San Diego, where my mother-in-law lay in a hospital bed, […]

My Stowaway Heart

The Party Wagon. Mission Bay, San Diego. July 30, 2011.   Parachuting to Praise Yesterday my daughter Elaine, her husband Rob, and two our our grandchildren, Cadence and Sawyer, boarded a jet and flew off to begin their new life in Hawaii. With the luxury of foreknowledge, we’ve enjoyed extra time together over these past […]

Power Tools, Joy and Image Bearing

  Rich, His SoniCrafter, the Log. July, 2011. Because He Did, We Can  I came home from work one evening to find my husband immersed in a project. He’d commandeered the table on our deck and was busily sanding at a chunk of oak, using the Rockwell SoniCrafter I’d given him last Christmas. Apparently he’d […]

Power Tools, Joy and Image Bearing

  Rich, His SoniCrafter, the Log. July, 2011. Because He Did, We Can  I came home from work one evening to find my husband immersed in a project. He’d commandeered the table on our deck and was busily sanding at a chunk of oak, using the Rockwell SoniCrafter I’d given him last Christmas. Apparently he’d […]