New Every Morning

Cadence, Red-Handed. October, 2007.* Why Is God’s Mercy New Every Morning? Biblical promises comfort me. They remind me that so long as I breathe, I have another chance. A favorite comes from Lamentations 3: 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;    his mercies never come to an end;23 they are new every morning;    great is your faithfulness. I thought about this verse a […]

Robe Knots, Fresh Turkeys, and Evangelism

Cadence, Me, and My Unknotted Robe Belt. July, 2011.  Dodging the E-Word. Again.I’m here today with a pair of public service announcements: First: Never, ever, tie a knot in the belt of your bathrobe. Do the once-over as if you’re about to tie your shoelaces, sure. But don’t cinch it down into a knot. One morning […]

My Tongue Still Smolders

I’d Like My Speech to be This Beautiful. The Taming of My Tongue, Part TwoIf you’ve been reading here for a while, you might remember the tale I shared back in March about my bout with thrush, of all things, and how it helped me work on a sinful habit: unkind speech. [Yes, I know […]

Coming Out of Hiding

Libations at Kate’s. August, 2010. There’s Only One of Me“I don’t post much on Facebook. I teach Sunday School at my church, you know.” The woman at the party shook her head. “I don’t need my pupils’ parents seeing that I’m coming over here for margaritas.” I smiled and nodded. My heart wanted to cry, though. […]