Interview with “Rules of Engagement” Author Kathi Macias

Ready For Some Christmas Spirit? It’s September already. The kids are back in school, the evenings carry a little nip–and before we know it, we’ll be hanging Christmas lights. Award-winning author (and friend, I’m honored to say) Kathi Macias’  latest story, “Rules of Engagement,” debuted on September first to smash reviews. Kathi was kind enough to chat with […]

Weekend Reflection: Unquenchable

Happy Anniversary, Rich. Here’s to deeper and deeper. 6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord. 7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered […]

Would You Know Me By My Love?

I’m reflecting on a different aspect of the conversation I launched here on Tuesday.  Thanks for bearing with me. I think I finally have it out of my system for now.  Give ‘Em What For!  When I was a teen, Sunday services often included a song, They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love. Some days I […]

Who Am I To Judge?

Caution:  I’m going to talk about some difficult subjects in this post. I hope to do so respectfully and with love. I anticipate that some of you will disagree–perhaps vehemently–with my position. Maybe you think I’ve gone too far. Maybe you think I didn’t go nearly far enough. I want to know your thoughts, but I […]

Mosquitoes, Moms, and Mourning

Mosquitoes Are But an Annoyance for My Grandlittles, Praise God!Cadence, Elaine, Sawyer, Rich. Oahu’s North Shore, May, 2012. Mosquitoes Are a NuisanceYes, my daughter reacts strongly to mosquito bites, growing great big welts in no time. And yes, I’ve scratched myself to scars. And, well, yes, my grandson has used the persistent buzz of the […]