Weekend Reflection: Hot

Flames on Our Hillside. October, 2007. But now, thus says the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob,And He who formed you, O Israel,“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;I have called you by name; you are Mine!2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they will not overflow […]

Sticky Christmas to You!

Christmas: A Blur of Boxes and Bows Lasting Gifts If I had to sum up my childhood Christmas memories in one word, the word would be slippery. Anticipation built like a stubborn fever, depriving me of sleep as I stared out the window from my bed, straining my ear for the sound of sleighbells flying through […]


One Little Corner. I almost broke the shower door yesterday. I slammed it really, really hard. I didn’t slam it to make a fuss.I didn’t slam it in petulance.I didn’t slam it in carelessness. I slammed it because Rich had repaired it. You see, one of the little wheelie-gizmos in the upper track had become […]


The Water Shimmered So.  “Your Father begged me to teach you to steer clear of that lake,” Mama said. “I know it looks clean, cool, and inviting–lots of fun. But if you swim in it, it leaves a terrible stink on you. It’s dangerous. You need to stay away from it” I shrugged. “Okay, Mama,” […]

Update: Bibles for Brian

A Few Bibles. [This post first appeared on March 28. Update: As of July 22, Brian has collected over 1,350 Bibles with help from people just like you. The event is in October. The goal is 5,000 Bibles to share with 5,000 people. Can you help?]Can We Multiply?Will you please send my friend Brian a […]