>Traveling Today


Taking Off. Las Vegas, January, 2009
Sending Words
I’m not going anywhere today, but my words are taking a little tour. Won’t you please drop by (In)Courage: home for the hearts of women to read my post that’s featured there today? I’m honored.

3 Do not let kindness and truth leave you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 3:3 (NASB)


  1. Robin in New Jersey

    >I just read your post at (in)courage.

    What a blessing!

    I was just saying to myself last week, "All they ever have on here are young women with little kids. How about some older ladies?"

    and there you were this morning.

    I love it…

  2. >Thank you, Robin! You bless me with your comment.

  3. Chocolate Covered Daydreams

    >I needed your post on incourage today! I'm getting married to my love on July 2nd and we are blending our families…his 4 and my 2. The challenges have made me question continually if we can do this. You provided comfort and peace. Thank you.

  4. >Beautiful, beautiful post! Have a blessed day :).

  5. >How wonderful!

  6. >Bless you and your intended…and your six children. Best wishes for a life of shared love and challenges met. 🙂

  7. >I discovered you over at (in)courage. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I've enjoyed getting acquainted with your blog and look forward to following.


  8. >Thank you, Linda. I'm so glad you stopped by.

  9. Rachel @the house redeemed

    >Sheila- Thank you for sharing, we must always be mindful of our words!

  10. A Joyful Noise

    >Thank you for sharing your sweet wonderful story!

    I thrill at an awesome Love story and yours is a beautiful one!

  11. >Thank you. Your comments are a blessing.