Grandfamilies: Telling Better Stories

Sawyer’s Gray Fox. What kind of lesson is that to teach a child? Don’t you want him to learn to strive? My friend shook her head, even as she smiled. I had shown her the gray fox I had painted for my grandson to celebrate his sixth birthday. She asked me, Why is there a grape […]

Grandfamilies: Help, Don’t Harp–How to Make Your Visit a Win

Sawyer, Rob, Cadence, Daphne, Elaine, Me, Rich. Charleston. September 4, 2016. At the beginning of this month, we were privileged to be the houseguests of daughter Elaine and her husband, Rob. I cherish this privilege because I know that having houseguests for ten days is no small thing, no matter how much love flows between […]

Grandfamilies with Oddballs: More Handy Holiday Ideas

Christmas Eve With Our Son-in-Law’s (Oddball-Free) Family. 2009. Maybe you have a crazy uncle who believes potty humor is the highest form of comedy or a sister-in-law who arrives with samples and brochures for the products she’s selling through the latest MLM scheme. Perhaps your holiday gathering includes a pack of nephews who are convinced […]

What My Tomato Taught Me

My Black Cherry tomato and my black labrador retriever, JD. My tomato plant looks big and busy if you take a quick glance–the vines keep getting longer and the blooms keep coming. But but but, if you look closely at the plant, you notice that the central vines don’t look so good. They’re pale, yellowed, dried […]

Weekend Reflection: Thankful

Top Row: Sister Elaine, Nephew Grant, Sister-in-Law Anne, Niece Allison, Nephew Craig, Bonus Son Ryan. Center Row: Wonderful Friend Hiram, Bonus Mom Mercedes, Father Rod (also the photographer–he used a tripod) Front Row: Brother Tim, Nephew Neil, Me, Amazing Husband Rich. A week ago on Thursday, I returned to Laity Lodge and spent a glorious […]