A Book Happened

If you click on the image, you’ll see the Amazon listing for the paperback edition.  Not What I Imagined That’s an odd way for me to put it, isn’t it? Not “I wrote a book,” but “a book happened.” I don’t mean anything clever or coy–honest. I’m still trying to figure out how this book came to be. Not […]

How I Became A(n Accidental) Novelist

Cover for the First Installment of Remembering for Ruth I never thought of myself as a novelist. I have tremendous admiration for fiction writers, but for the past five years or so I had been focused exclusively on nonfiction. Prior to that came a few decades of not-writing. And just before that, academic writing. I have to reach […]

Weekend Reflection: This Day

    This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (KJV)   It’s the weekend. Around here we remove our shoes and tour the stillness. Start with Sandra Heska King’s Still Saturday.  Then spend some time at The Sunday Community, hosted by Deidra Riggs. You’ll […]

I’m Taking Back My Tulips!

Relinquishing A Wound Yesterday at the grocery store I dared to admire the tulips. Audaciously waiting just inside the front door, they stood like trollops draped in shades of  Easter candy: babycheek pink, duckling yellow, Lladró lavender. Stems held the blooms erect above their brazen leaves. Not even one proud tulip bowed toward her nourishing soil. Glory, I thought as […]

Weekend Reflection: Delighted!

My Own Little Dream Come True (This verse gives me pause, because we’ve all had times, haven’t we, when the desire of the heart eluded us?  But today, I choose to rejoice. ) Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (NASB) It’s the weekend. Around […]