Can We Resurrect Civility?

Grandson Ayden, Having a Moment. 2007. Here we are in Eastertide, ticking off the Sundays until Pentecost. We’ve just celebrated the Resurrection–the miracle of all miracles, the day that changed everything. So I’m wondering, while we’re feeling all holy and justified and sanctified, could we make a commitment to resurrect civility? Because last time I checked […]

A Book Happened

If you click on the image, you’ll see the Amazon listing for the paperback edition.  Not What I Imagined That’s an odd way for me to put it, isn’t it? Not “I wrote a book,” but “a book happened.” I don’t mean anything clever or coy–honest. I’m still trying to figure out how this book came to be. Not […]

Mom Was A Servant

Always.  I indulged myself last Saturday. Rich was buried in work and my toenails were scuffed, so I scooted off for a pedicure. It’s rare for me to sit for a whole hour while someone else serves me. I found myself studying the manicurists, listening to the clients’ chatter, trying to guess what color polish the […]

Drive-By Conviction

Fire Trucks at Cook’s Corner. October, 2007. In Good Faith“Always assume good faith,” my friend Bruce counseled. My graduate-school colleague seldom offered advice, so when he did, I listened. I had naively stepped in a seething campus controversy. Now that I was stranded in quicksand, I kept glimpsing hostile motives sliding around corners just beyond […]

Fix Something

I’m Not Unbreakable.Some days everything feels broken and the only thing left to do is fix something. I’ve had a lot of broken-feeling days lately. I’m not sure if work is challenging because my back is injured. Perhaps my back hurts, in part, because the work is so all-consuming right now. Or maybe it’s plain […]