How the Strawberries Led Me to Surrender

The Perfect Roadster Red. It’s In There Somewhere. The War for the RedsAfter church last Sunday we went to the grocery store. We bought strawberries and tomatoes, along with many other good things to eat, but it was the strawberries (together with the tomatoes), that led me to give up, again, and hand things over to […]

Godspotting Birthday Giveaway!

Go Ahead, Use Sticks on Those Bongos. It’s a Birthday Celebration! Grandson Cadence, 2008.  Three Years A-Blogging Tomorrow marks Godspotting‘s third birthday. To celebrate, I’m giving away a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Here Comes the Bride: 101 Stories of Love, Laughter, and Family. An odd selection, you say?  Maybe so. But you see, […]

For a Time Such as This

Sawyer, Elaine, Cadence. North Shore, Oahu. May, 2012.  Threads in the Tapestry“Offer the bread to the person beside you, then serve yourself.” “Place the bread on your plate first, then pick it up and take a bite. Even when you’re really hungry.”“Don’t butter the whole piece of bread. Instead, break off a small piece, butter […]

Acoustic Vacation: Finale

Not so Unplugged.Me, Sawyer, Rich. It Made a Difference. Honest. I told you about our acoustic vacation and promised to share how it carried a  heft, an aroma, different from our everyday lives. Today, a recap. First I told you about giving myself space for papaya-induced regret that I’d denied previously. Then I shared a Memorial Day […]

Cadence’s Fair Game

Cadence and the Army Men. The Epic Next to the Coffee Table “Lala, I’ll be the green guys,” Cadence said, as we hunkered down on the living room floor. “You can be the brown guys. And here: You can have my Green Lantern.” He offered me a plastic toy that stood in Gulliveresque proportion to […]