In Loving Memory

 Sean and His Dad. After a Tour in Iraq.  Sean, Son Ayden, Sister Rebecca, Brother Ryan. Christmas, 2005. Ayden in Daddy’s Helmet. Memories on Our Wall. At Sean’s Grave.  Today, we remember. We weep, because we love. We rejoice in the gift of you. We read God’s promise, twice. Hymns echo in our hearts, resonating in the hollow […]

For a Time Such as This

Sawyer, Elaine, Cadence. North Shore, Oahu. May, 2012.  Threads in the Tapestry“Offer the bread to the person beside you, then serve yourself.” “Place the bread on your plate first, then pick it up and take a bite. Even when you’re really hungry.”“Don’t butter the whole piece of bread. Instead, break off a small piece, butter […]

Acoustic Vacation: Finale

Not so Unplugged.Me, Sawyer, Rich. It Made a Difference. Honest. I told you about our acoustic vacation and promised to share how it carried a  heft, an aroma, different from our everyday lives. Today, a recap. First I told you about giving myself space for papaya-induced regret that I’d denied previously. Then I shared a Memorial Day […]

Deeper than Rainbows

We Stop for Rainbows. A Preview for Young(er) Moms “Come out on the porch and look left. There’s a magnificent rainbow.” My daughter has called me just an instant after leaving to pick up her husband. We’re visiting them in Hawai’i, and toddler Sawyer is asleep. Rich and I stay home with Cadence while his […]

Open Letter to My Son-in-Law

Rob and Cadence, Kayaking. Pearl Harbor. Mother’s Day, 2012. [Note: Tomorrow my daughter, Elaine, and her husband, Rob, celebrate their wedding anniversary. Our acoustic vacation was spent in their home. Unplugged, I had time to think.] Dear Rob, Now that Rich and I are home from our visit, I have a few things to say to […]