The Incredible Sweetness of Being, Part Two

Cadence Spots a Ladybug The Ladybug Lounge “Lala,” my grandson Cadence says. “I see a beetle in the window.” I’m sitting on the loveseat, sipping water and sorting grocery coupons. Movement at the window has drawn his eye away from the colossal battle he’s staging between army men, Lego guys, a T. Rex and a […]

The Christmas that Won’t Go Away

Ornament Boxes. January 2, 2012 Christmas Won’t Fit in the BoxA photo essay in honor of my friend Nancy Owen Franson, who loves Christmas more than anyone I know. The day after New Year’s Day is a good day to undress the tree, box up Christmas, hide it away until next year. But this year, […]

The Christmas that Won’t Go Away

Ornament Boxes. January 2, 2012 Christmas Won’t Fit in the BoxA photo essay in honor of my friend Nancy Owen Franson, who loves Christmas more than anyone I know. The day after New Year’s Day is a good day to undress the tree, box up Christmas, hide it away until next year. But this year, […]

Tugs We Cannot Name

Cadence in Lala’s Rocker. 2008.  An Overwhelmed Heart “Do you know what tomorrow is, Cadence?” I asked as I tucked the tiny toddler, not yet two, into the vast queen-size bed in our guest room. He blinked. “Tomorrow is Mother’s Day! And your mommy will be back tomorrow. She’s going to meet us after church and […]

Tugs We Cannot Name

Cadence in Lala’s Rocker. 2008.  An Overwhelmed Heart “Do you know what tomorrow is, Cadence?” I asked as I tucked the tiny toddler, not yet two, into the vast queen-size bed in our guest room. He blinked. “Tomorrow is Mother’s Day! And your mommy will be back tomorrow. She’s going to meet us after church and […]