The Day my Tongue Caught Fire

Just Don’t. An Answered PrayerMy tongue can be much sharper than I want it to be. Sometimes at work I’m so focused on the goal that I forget that real people are working to accomplish that goal. Sometimes my speech doesn’t take into account their needs or feelings. It’s worse at home. My sweet, loving, devoted […]

Creeping Crud and Creeping Pride

Rich and “Jonathan,” Enjoying the Boat. July 4, 2011. One Sick Husband Rich faded when we returned home from church. “You don’t look so good,” I told him. “Are you feeling okay?” “I’m just kinda down,” he told me, looking worn. “What’s on your mind?” “Nothing much,” he said, in an I’m done discussing it voice.  […]

The Reunion: Finale

My Brother, Cousin Marcia, Cousin Hugh. Ca. 1969 [Part One of this story is here. Part Two of this story is here.] We Reserve the Right to Refuse ServiceWe’ve parked the car and are walking across the restaurant’s parking lot when suddenly I wonder if bringing my cousin here for lunch wasn’t a horrible idea. What […]

I Do: The Project

Mudding over the Drywall Tape. Imagining Something Better It’s early on Saturday, the morning just stirring under its blanket of darkness. I’m writing at my desk, upstairs, when I hear it: The whining buzz of a power tool slices through the stillness.  I leave my keyboard and coffee, race downstairs, into the garage. “Rich! It’s […]

I Do: The Project

Mudding over the Drywall Tape. Imagining Something Better It’s early on Saturday, the morning just stirring under its blanket of darkness. I’m writing at my desk, upstairs, when I hear it: The whining buzz of a power tool slices through the stillness.  I leave my keyboard and coffee, race downstairs, into the garage. “Rich! It’s […]