Little Tutors

Silliness with My Nephew and Niece. Craig, Allison, Me. February, 2011. In Loving Memory of Maxine Peebles Downs, June 20, 1918-August 20, 1982. My grandmother taught me important things. I never considered that she may have learned something from grandmothering me. Lessons for Lala The little ones who surround me in this season of life […]

>Say "You’re Forgiven"

> Ayden Reading Cadence a Bedtime Story. April, 2011. A Slow Study A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of the company of two of our grandsons for an overnight visit. The boys, Ayden, age six, and Cadence, who is four, are cousins. And, as family members will, occasionally they squabble. On this visit, a […]

Say "You’re Forgiven"

Ayden Reading Cadence a Bedtime Story. April, 2011. A Slow Study A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of the company of two of our grandsons for an overnight visit. The boys, Ayden, age six, and Cadence, who is four, are cousins. And, as family members will, occasionally they squabble. On this visit, a disagreement over […]

Say "You’re Forgiven"

Ayden Reading Cadence a Bedtime Story. April, 2011. A Slow Study A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of the company of two of our grandsons for an overnight visit. The boys, Ayden, age six, and Cadence, who is four, are cousins. And, as family members will, occasionally they squabble. On this visit, a disagreement over […]

Say "You’re Forgiven"

Ayden Reading Cadence a Bedtime Story. April, 2011. A Slow Study A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of the company of two of our grandsons for an overnight visit. The boys, Ayden, age six, and Cadence, who is four, are cousins. And, as family members will, occasionally they squabble. On this visit, a disagreement over […]