Sisters, not "Sisters"

Cousins Elaine and Hoanie, at the Motu. Tahaa, French Polynesia, January, 2004 Family in Far Places Most of our kin live in California, no more than a day’s drive from my home. A few in-laws have moved east, but we are essentially a Left Coast family. But I also have three sisters who live with their […]

God Bless Buzz Lightyear

Cadence and Lala, March, 2011 Written on His Heart  At age four, our grandson Cadence loves to pray. He told me so last time he spent the night at our house. Saturday night when I put him to bed, we prayed together. I began, thanking God for the day and its blessings, then he and […]

>God Bless Buzz Lightyear

> Cadence and Lala, March, 2011 Written on His Heart  At age four, our grandson Cadence loves to pray. He told me so last time he spent the night at our house. Saturday night when I put him to bed, we prayed together. I began, thanking God for the day and its blessings, then he […]

God Bless Buzz Lightyear

Cadence and Lala, March, 2011 Written on His Heart  At age four, our grandson Cadence loves to pray. He told me so last time he spent the night at our house. Saturday night when I put him to bed, we prayed together. I began, thanking God for the day and its blessings, then he and […]

Cows, Horses, and Truth

Oceanfront Pastures, Mendocino County, February 2011 The Spin Cycle When our grandson Cadence was two, distinguishing between cows and horses challenged him. He’d point to a neighbor’s horse and say, “cow.” “Horsie,” I’d gently correct him. We’d drive by a herd of cattle and he’d say, “horsies.” “Cows,” I would remind him. Finally he developed […]