
Opening the Banquet Other Plans The past several days were to have been packed with activity. On Thursday, January 6, my husband Rich and I were leaving to attend the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11 (South) annual training conference. We planned to pack on Wednesday evening, depart on Thursday, and leave the conference Sunday morning. […]


Opening the Banquet Other Plans The past several days were to have been packed with activity. On Thursday, January 6, my husband Rich and I were leaving to attend the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11 (South) annual training conference. We planned to pack on Wednesday evening, depart on Thursday, and leave the conference Sunday morning. […]

Wealth at our Door…

Murphy and Me: January 1, 2011 …and Blessings at our Table I’ve been home this week recovering from abdominal surgery. My husband Rich has cared for me and our home as I recuperate. My daughter Elaine called on Wednesday to inquire how I was doing and if we needed a hand with anything. I was […]

Wealth at our Door…

Murphy and Me: January 1, 2011 …and Blessings at our Table I’ve been home this week recovering from abdominal surgery. My husband Rich has cared for me and our home as I recuperate. My daughter Elaine called on Wednesday to inquire how I was doing and if we needed a hand with anything. I was […]

Wealth at our Door…

Murphy and Me: January 1, 2011 …and Blessings at our Table I’ve been home this week recovering from abdominal surgery. My husband Rich has cared for me and our home as I recuperate. My daughter Elaine called on Wednesday to inquire how I was doing and if we needed a hand with anything. I was […]