Wealth at our Door…

Murphy and Me: January 1, 2011 …and Blessings at our Table I’ve been home this week recovering from abdominal surgery. My husband Rich has cared for me and our home as I recuperate. My daughter Elaine called on Wednesday to inquire how I was doing and if we needed a hand with anything. I was […]

>Wealth at our Door…

> Murphy and Me: January 1, 2011 …and Blessings at our Table I’ve been home this week recovering from abdominal surgery. My husband Rich has cared for me and our home as I recuperate. My daughter Elaine called on Wednesday to inquire how I was doing and if we needed a hand with anything. I […]

Wealth at our Door…

Murphy and Me: January 1, 2011 …and Blessings at our Table I’ve been home this week recovering from abdominal surgery. My husband Rich has cared for me and our home as I recuperate. My daughter Elaine called on Wednesday to inquire how I was doing and if we needed a hand with anything. I was […]

Because He Loved Us First

Jeff and Rebecca Elaine, Cadence, Rob Ryan Carly and Rachael Phil, Jordynne, Ayden Elizabeth and John Carly, Rachael, Kevin Vaite, Sylvain, Ayden Jeff, Jordynne, Rebecca, Jeffrey, Phil Mike Elaine and Rob Cadence and Rich Mom and Dad  Today it’s cold, wet and gloomy, and I’m sick. But I rejoice, because I have been blessed with […]

Gift Wrap and Graveyards

His Ways, His Timing Yesterday we celebrated our daughter-in-law Rachael on her 28th birthday. On our way to the birthday festivities, we stopped at the cemetery nearby to pay our respects at the grave of my husband’s firstborn son, Sean. He died on his wife’s birthday four years ago. Thursday brings the second anniversary of my mother’s […]