Grandfamilies: Five Simple Ways to Delight Your Grandchildren

Cadence, Licking a Beater.  Springtime is delightful, isn’t it? In our part of the world, the hills are green, flowers are bursting out everywhere, and the hummingbirds can’t keep their beaks out of the Echium blooms. I’m eager to share delight when I’m delighted, so I drew up a list, short and simple, of delights you […]

Grandfamilies: On Fixing Stuff

An Allegory One weekend, some years ago, I wielded my glue gun to affix little foam hearts, brightly colored, about the size of a golf ball’s shadow, all around the edges of a plate-glass mirror. Now, you can buy these foam hearts (or animals, or alphabet characters) by the tub at craft stores. They’re sold […]

Grandfamilies: Wanted–Grandparents

Batter Up! Ayden and Papa Rich. May 2009. Lala, why aren’t you here with me? Cadence drew out the “here” to three syllables. I heard his mother in the background: Cadence, hush! We talked about that. I turned my face from the webcam and wiped my eyes as the boy continued, I wanted you to be here! […]

Grandfamilies: Destination Grandlittle

Five Awesome Things About Grandparenting From Afar Our grandlittles have never lived in our community. Two households-full are within a 90-minute drive; the third set is currently on the opposite coast, after two rounds of island homes. So while I’ve dreamed of being the Lala who could pick the littles up after school or step […]

Grandfamilies: Do You Ever Wonder?

Super bloom. Death Valley, California. February 27, 2016. I wish we could bring the children to see this, I said to my husband as we tread  upon the desert floor, awed by the rafts of flowers that drifted right up to the base of the silent stony mountains, awed by the One who dreamed up this […]