Everyday Gratitude

Service for Twelve Little Mercies I don’t love to shop. In fact I don’t even like to shop. When we need stuff, I feel a burden to be a good steward of our resources and make wise choices, but I don’t enjoy the thrill of searching for Just The Right Thing to meet our needs. So when Rich […]

Lessons in Trust

Cadence meets baby brother Sawyer Into the New Yesterday our precious grandson, Sawyer, was born. In my experience, God’s presence is never clearer than when a baby is entering this world. And He was certainly with us all as my daughter labored and delivered her second son. In the midst of all this joy, I hadn’t […]

Coming up for Air

California’s Mojave Desert Miners, Miracles, and Answered Prayers It seems the whole world held its breath as 33 miners, trapped for 69 days in a collapsed mine in Chile, were rescued in an inspiring display of ingenuity, bravery, and international cooperation. The New York Times compared the rescue to that of the Apollo 13 mission. I […]

Mr. Fix-It

Our Wedding Day Reconciliation and a Nap This past Sunday was slated to be a long-anticipated “free day.” Our only plans were to meet friends for the evening service at church and then enjoy their company for dinner. After a particularly hectic season, I was looking forward to a restful, quiet day. A nap was to […]

Now Hear This!

The Newsboys: “He Reigns” Meant to be Shared I heard this song on the radio last night, as I was driving home from an exceptionally long day. This morning, as I sat down to reflect on what to write today, I noticed that last night I’d jotted “Newsboys–He Reings” [sic–I did mention it was a […]