Bug-Collecting and a Mother’s Heart: Lessons in Compassion

What Hearts Remember I read this amazing story the other day, I say to my mother-in-law. She and I sit in Denny’s, lingering over the last bites of our pecan-banana pancakes. Really?  Yeah. It was a blog post. Your kids caught bugs when they were small, didn’t they? And they brought them home in jars? She nods, […]

Stepping Aside

Mamas: It’s Your Turn In The Middle “Is that you in the middle?” My friend Megan asked the question when I shared this image on Facebook. Yes, I admitted. That’s me. In 1982.  August brought us a brand-new granddaughter. August brought us a visit from my girl and her own three littles. August brought my wonderful co-grandma Judi a precious […]

Mom Was A Servant

Always.  I indulged myself last Saturday. Rich was buried in work and my toenails were scuffed, so I scooted off for a pedicure. It’s rare for me to sit for a whole hour while someone else serves me. I found myself studying the manicurists, listening to the clients’ chatter, trying to guess what color polish the […]

Have a Body? Have Children? You Need This Book!

Coming On Mother’s Day A Book for Every Mom With a Body. I thought reviewing this book would be easy. My eating isn’t disordered, I told myself. I’ve never binged and purged. I’ve never starved myself. This review will be a snap.  I was wrong. At page xii (that’s right, still in the introduction!) I […]

A Legacy of Little Things

Vick’s VapoRub: Memory Maker.  Small SacrificesI’ve never played the hero. Not once have I been called upon to sacrifice myself to push my baby’s carriage to safety. I’ve never offered a kidney. The best I can hope to leave, I realize, is a string of small gifts. Can those tiny touches build a legacy? Little things […]